2014-06-02 17:35 GMT+02:00 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>:
On 06/02/2014 09:17 AM, Mario Di Ture wrote:
> Hi,
> I've tested this script on centos 6.5 (libvirt-0.10.2, qemu-kvm-
> and
> ubuntu server 14.04 (libvirt 1.2.2, qemu-kvm  2.0.0) with the same result.
> The created vm is very slow compared to the vm created with virt-manager,
> with the same features/devices on the same host.
> Can you suggest any configuration that can avoid that slowness?

Can you compare the output of 'virsh dumpxml' for the fast and the slow
domain? My guess is that you forgot to request KVM hardware acceleration
for the slow domain.  Look for '<domain type='kvm'> as well as for the
right <emulator> binary.  'However, I'm not familiar enough with the
libvirt-php bindings to suggest what to add to your code to get the
correct XML.

That's right Eric, the setting is <domain type='kvm'> on the fast, and <domain type='qemu'> on the slow domain.
It seems that the parameter cannot be passed with the  libvirt_domain_new function...looking for an alternative...
Thanks for the tip!