Hello everyone
     I have solved the problem(LibvirtError:  Operation not supported : JSON monitor is required).
     yajl-devel package must be intalled before compile and install libvirt 1.2.4 ..... 
     then rebuild and install libvirt-python 1.2.4
     every thing is OK.....      
    Thanks for chenhanxiao@cn.fujitsu.com help , I have resole the problem (libvirt 1.2.4 and virt-manager 0.9.0 are not incompatible)..but when I created VM by virt-manager ,it reported :  
    unable to complete install: 'Opertation not supported: JSON monitor is required.'
    Traceback(most recent call last):
    File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/asyncjob.py",line 44, in cb_wrapper  callback(asyncjob, *args, **kwargs)
    LibvirtError:  Operation not supported : JSON monitor is required.

    what is wrong ? 
    Please help me.......  Tanks a lot ....


    last problem: libvirt 1.2.4 and virt-manager 0.9.0 are not incompatible
        Hello everyone
    I encountered a problem when I completed the update of libvirt from 0.10 to 1.2.4 .  
    The problem was that  virt-manager(version 0.9.0) could not start and reported error : "ImportError:  /usr/lib64/libvirt.so.0: version 'LIBVIRT_PRIVIATE_0.10.2' not found (required by /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/libvirtmod.so)".
    I found the libvirt.so.0 link file just in the /usr/lib64/ directory , but it was linking  to  libvirt.so.0.1002.4 .not to the libvirt.so.0.10.2 
    I made libvirt.so.0 to link to  libvirt.so.0.10.2 and restarted virt-manager , virt-manager started normally  then  restarted libvirtd  failure, reporting error:l ˇ°ibvirtd: /usr/lib64/libvirt.so.0: version 'LIBVIRT_1.2.3' not found (require by libvirtd) .....ˇ± 
    I made   libvirt.so.0 to link to  libvirt.so.0.1002.4  and  restart libvirtd , libvirtd started normally  again.
    Please help me to resolve the problem and give me some advise....  
    Thanks a lot..
