Hi All,

Can anybody please help me in the issue?





From: Kumar L Srikanth-B22348
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 4:47 PM
To: 'Daniel P. Berrange'
Subject: FW: Creating multiple network interfaces in libvirt Domain.


Also, can you please let me know, how can I create multiple interfaces in the guest domain using Domain XML?





From: Kumar L Srikanth-B22348
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 2:26 PM
To: 'berrange@redhat.com'
Cc: 'libvir-list@redhat.com'
Subject: Creating multiple network interfaces in libvirt Domain.



I want to create a Domain with two interfaces. I am using LXC hypervisor in the libvirt.

My domain XML is shown below:

<domain type='lxc' id='1'>








      <clock offset='utc'/>






        <filesystem type='mount'>

          <source dir='/root/lxc/fedora1'/>

          <target dir='/'/>


        <interface type='network'>

          <source network='default'/>


        <interface type='network'>

          <source network='default'/>


        <console type='pty' />




I am able to define the Domain. But, I am not able to start the Domain. While starting the domain, I am getting the following error:


error: Failed to start domain srikanth_vm2

error: internal error Failed to create veth device pair: 512


Can you please let me know where I am going wrong?


