Hi all,

It seems there is a bug for libvirtd which I couldn't find here.

Here is description:
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Libvirt - 3.1.0 (built from tarball)

How reproducible:

Precondition: libvirtd running. One VM is running, other(s) are 'shut off'.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Stop libvirtd while VM#1 is running.
2. Start libvirtd (VM#1 is running).
3. Stop VM#1. Verify if VM#1 is present in the list of all VM's ('virsh list --all').
4. Start VM#1. Verify if VM#1 is present in the list of all VM's ('virsh list --all').
5. Go to step #3. Note: Steps may be needed to repeat two times.

Recover action:
 restart libvirtd service (service libvirtd restart/systemctl restart libvirtd).

Actual results:
 #3. VM#1 disappears from the list of all VM's.

Expected results:
 #3. VM#1 should be present in the list of all VM's.

Best regards,