On 01/26/2012 12:59 PM, Michal Privoznik wrote:
This API allows a domain to be put into one of S# ACPI states.
Currently, S3 and S4 are supported. These states are shared
with virNodeSuspendForDuration.
However, for now we don't support any duration other than zero.
The same apply for flags.
I'm not reviewing 1, 2, or 4(as Dan said, there's still some churn on
the qemu side), but I can review this one and 5 for accuracy, assuming
you make the agreed name changes.
+ * virDomainSuspendForDuration:
+ * @dom: a domain object
+ * @target: an OR'ed set of virNodeSuspendTarget
This is _not_ an OR'd set, but a linear list. I'd say:
@target: a value from virNodeSuspendTarget
+ * @duration: currently unused, pass 0
I'd still document this for its intended purpose:
@duration: duration in seconds to suspend, or 0 for indefinite
as well as a disclaimer in the rest of the text stating that some
hypervisors require 0 for @duration.
+ * @flags: ditto
Rather than abbreviating with "ditto", I'd copy and paste one of the
other lines where we say things are unused, pass 0.
+ *
+ * Attempt to suspend given domain. However, more
+ * states are supported than in virDomainSuspend.
That didn't read well. I'd say something like:
Attempt to have the guest enter the given @target power management
suspension level. If @duration is non-zero, also schedule the guest to
resume normal operation after that many seconds, if nothing else has
resumed it earlier. Some hypervisors require that @duration be 0, for
an indefinite suspension.
+++ b/src/libvirt_public.syms
@@ -520,6 +520,7 @@ LIBVIRT_0.9.10 {
+ virDomainSuspendForDuration;
} LIBVIRT_0.9.9;
Looks like you get to rebase on top of other API added today.
Eric Blake eblake(a)redhat.com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library