Not at all. I assumed a reply-to would add it automatically and did not
bother checking. Probably something wrong in my mu4e config.
On 10/17/19 5:26 AM, Christophe de Dinechin wrote:
Cole Robinson writes:
This series is the first steps to teaching libvirt about qcow2
data_file support, aka external data files or qcow2 external metadata.
A bit about the feature: it was added in qemu 4.0. It essentially
creates a two part image file: a qcow2 layer that just tracks the
image metadata, and a separate data file which is stores the VM
s/is stores/stores/
Indeed, but what's the benefit of correcting grammar in a cover letterfor already applied patches?
Obviously, I realized you had already applied that patch only after sending
my email ;-) I saw that there was still some active discussion on that thread,
so I assumed it was still under review.
What happens if you try to do that in place, i.e. EXISTING==NEW?
Results in an unbootable image in my testing. I'm guessing itinitializes the raw image first, similar to trying to use 'qemu-imgcreate' with an existing raw image as data_file
OK. Might be worth catching or fixing at some point.