
When I use the Live migration through the oVirt Administration Portal, everything works fine without any errors, but When I want to migrate VMs using the command virsh migrate, it doesn't work at all.

The connexion works fine :

        [root@unc-srv-hyp2  ~]$ virsh -c qemu+ssh://root@unc-srv-hyp1/system

        Please enter your authentication name: root

        Please enter your password:

        Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.


        Type:  'help' for help with commands

               'quit' to quit


        virsh # hostname



But when I try to live migrate I have the same issue from any of the two hypervisors :


        [root@unc-srv-hyp1  ~]$ virsh migrate --live unc-cli-xrt qemu+ssh://root@unc-srv-hyp2/system

        Please enter your authentication name: root

        Please enter your password:

        Please enter your authentication name: root

        Please enter your password:

        error: Failed to open file '/rhev/data-center/f422de63-8869-41ef-a782-8b0c9ee03c41/d7b9d7cc-f7d6-43c7-ae13-e720951657c9/images/dd4801b5-310c-4bc2-b330- a47ec9bb9870/0d05a0e4-726b-4e6e-b25a-0f85e6c983f3': No such file or directory


Have you any ideas to find the answer ?




Alain VONDRA   
Chargé d'exploitation des Systèmes d'Information       
Direction Administrative et Financière
+33 1 44 39 77 76    

3 rue Duguay Trouin  75006 PARIS
