On 03/21/2014 08:49 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 08:19:42AM -0600, Eric Blake wrote:
> On 03/21/2014 07:11 AM, Ján Tomko wrote:
>> Indent labels by one space.
>> Add the rule to HACKING and enforce it by syntax-check.
>> ---
>> Adding a space helps git's function context detection, but the fallout
>> patch is over 800K.
>> My reasoning for also indenting labels in nested code is that
>> vim's cinoptions don't have a separate option for these labels
>> (or I haven't searched hard enough?).
> Alas, I don't know enough on vim to help there.
Okay, I've spent some more time on the emacs side; emacs has the option
of a c-label-minimum-indent, but applies it only to top-level labels
(and not to nested code labels). Where it gets weird is that
c-label-minimum-indent is applied by default only for gnu mode indent,
but not other modes. We want libvirt in K&R mode indent. Emacs is
customizable, so you can request other indent modes to also use label
minimum indent by setting c-special-indent-hook, but as a hook it is
deemed dangerous when set via .dir-locals.el and warns the user on every
file that you open, making that particular customization harder to set
as a project-level default.
> This doesn't do what you want; it sounds like you want to
require all
> labels to have (4n+1) spaces, so you want 4n+{0,2,3} to be forbidden.
Emacs does not have an easy way to enforce (4n+1) spaces, only a minimum
indent. Furthermore, it is only the top-level labels that interfere
with git function locations; so at this point, I'm leaning towards a simpler
and just not worry about nested indent (we have fewer nested labels anyway).
> The rest of this makes sense, if I can figure out why my emacs
> aren't doing this already, and if we update .dir-locals.el in the same
> patch.
FWIW, my emacs is doing the right thing wrt this proposed hacking
rule and I don't have any .emacsrc file at all on this machine - just
plain default settings.
I found the difference between Dan's setup and mine - in my ~/.emacs, I
actually created a new style mode libvirt-c-mode (I created it back in
2010, with Jim Meyering's help, before we had .dir-locals.el). Although
my mode and the settings in .dir-locals.el appear identical [basically:
(defun libvirt-c-mode ()
"C mode with adjusted defaults for use with libvirt."
(c-set-style "K&R")
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil) ; indent using spaces, not TABs
(setq c-indent-level 4)
(setq c-basic-offset 4))
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook
'(lambda () (if (string-match "/libvirt" (buffer-file-name))
], where it gets different is that c-label-minimum-indent defaults to
only applying to gnu style. In creating my own style, I left gnu style,
so the minimum no longer applied to me. But adding:
(setq c-special-indent-hook c-gnu-impose-minimum) in the list of
settings in my mode fixed things so it behaves the way Dan was seeing;
as did completely removing my custom mode and instead relying on
.dir-locals.el. c-special-indent-hook won't work in .dir-locals.el, but
now that I know the cause of the difference and how to work around it on
my end, I'm okay if we force a minimum indent.
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library