wrote on 2008-07-14 22:00:46:

> Guo Lian Yun wrote:
> >
> > wrote on 2008-07-14 10:39:13:
> >
> >  >
> >  > stro: Fedora 9 Beta
> >  > kernel-2.6.25-0.218.rc8.git7.fc9.x86_64
> >  > CIMOM: tog-pegasus-2.7.0-6.fc9.x86_64
> >  > cimtest: changeset-243
> >  >
> >  > ==================================================================
> >  > PASS        :  91
> >  > XFAIL       :  1
> >  > SKIP        :  38
> >  > -----------------
> >  > Total       : 130
> >  >
> >   Kaitlin -- All test case pass for LXC now, maybe we don't need
> >   to run the cimtest for LXC from next week. On the next, I will focus on
> >   converting the KVM / XenFV tests that are currently SKIPPING.
> >
> >   Thoughts?
> I would like to continue the test runs on LXC - the test runs also serve
> as regression testing.  The providers do change, and a weekly test run
> helps verify those changes.

  I know, I will keep on running the test on LXC every week.

> --
> Kaitlin Rupert
> IBM Linux Technology Center
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