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clock icon21 mins and 34 secs

Simon Kobyda avatarSimon Kobyda

vsh: Added tests

For now, there are 9 test cases
- testVshTableNew: Creating table with empty header
- testVshTableHeader: Printing table with/without header
- testVshTableRowAppend: Appending row with various number of cells.
Only row with same number of cells as in header is accepted.
- testUnicode: Printing table with unicode characters.
Checking correct alignment.
- testUnicodeArabic: test opposite (right to left) writing
- testUnicodeZeroWidthChar
- testUnicodeCombiningChar
- testUnicodeNonPrintableChar,
- testNTables: Create and print varios types of tables - one column,
one row table, table without content, standart table...

Signed-off-by: Simon Kobyda <>

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