libvirt / libvirt (master)
Build #507 has errored.
3 hours, 5 minutes, and 17 seconds
Erik Skultety b616ec6 Changeset →
  virsh: man: Describe the 'create' command a bit more

So we refer to the terms 'persistent' and 'transient' across the whole
man page, without describing it further, but more importantly, how the
create command affects it, i.e. explicitly stating that domain created
via the 'create' command are going to be transient or persistent,
depending on whether there is an existing persistent domain with a
matching <name> and <uuid>, in which case it will remain persistent, but
will run using a one-time configuration, otherwise it's going to be
transient and will vanish once destroyed.

Signed-off-by: Erik Skultety <>
System message:

We have updated our Trusty images on Sept. 7th, 2017. You can add group: deprecated-2017Q3 in sudo-enabled builds to use the previous version. More details here.

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