libvirt / libvirt (master)
Build #511 failed.
5 hours, 18 minutes, and 41 seconds
Andrea Bolognani f34fdd5 Changeset →
  python: Don't hardcode interpreter path

This is particularly useful on operating systems that don't ship
Python as part of the base system (eg. FreeBSD) while still working
just as well as it did before on Linux.

While at it, make it explicit that our scripts are only going to
work with Python 2, and remove the usage of unbuffered I/O, which
as far as I can tell has no effect on the output files.

Signed-off-by: Andrea Bolognani <>
System message:

We have updated our Trusty images on Sept. 7th, 2017. You can add group: deprecated-2017Q3 in sudo-enabled builds to use the previous version. More details here.

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